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Former coach for provides analysis report for GMB vs SK

Draft Phase Analysis

Gambit and SK Gaming go head-to-head in the EU LCS encounter and ban out key champions from each other’s champion pool. Gambit’s strategy of banning out Forg1ven is overdone and SK has answers to it. Teams target Betsy by banning out Zed and LeBlanc. SK also bans out Vi and Nidalee, but Gambit manages to secure key picks including Graves, Diana, and Thresh. SK picks Maokai, Nami, Lee Sin, and Caitlyn.

Pre-Game Lane Match Up Analysis

The top lane match up between Maokai and Diana is a farm fest with both champions having sustain and shields. Both junglers, Vi and Lee Sin, have strong early-mid game presence and can avoid vision to gank lanes. In the mid lane, Ahri has a slight advantage early on due to her range, but Katarina can avoid Ahri’s skill shots with her Shunpo. Vi and Lee Sin both have mobility and can provide pressure in the early game. In the bot lane, Caitlyn and Nami have range, sustain, and harassment advantage over Graves and Thresh.

Game Analysis

Gambit fails to take advantage of the information they have and makes poor decisions throughout the game. They lack preparation for objectives and fail to create vision, resulting in SK taking uncontested Dragons. Gambit also takes fights when they shouldn’t, leading to SK gaining control of the game. SK capitalizes on Gambit’s mistakes and secures objectives.

Tips Moving Forward

Gambit needs to realize the importance of objectives, play to the power of their champions, adapt their strategy based on summoner spells burned, and create dead waves. SK needs to avoid face-checking, not force unnecessary fights, communicate enemy movements, and not rely solely on a strong laning phase.

Gambit, SK Gaming, EU LCS, ban phase, top lane match up, mid lane match up, bot lane match up, objectives, mistakes