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FORG1VEN Returns to H2k Roster for Final Week

Konstantinos-Napoleon “FORG1VEN” Tzortziou Returns to H2k Starting Lineup

Konstantinos-Napoleon “FORG1VEN” Tzortziou, a popular AD Carry from Europe, will be returning to the H2k-Gaming starting lineup for the final week of the European League Championship Series (LCS). FORG1VEN had previously been serving a nine-month term in the Greek military, but was granted a temporary deferment. This marks his first appearance in the H2k starting lineup since then.

FORG1VEN had a brief stint with Origen in the Spring Split, but after a rocky start, he found his way back to H2k. However, due to the success of their new AD Carry, Aleš “Freeze” Kněžínek, FORG1VEN was benched until recently. Freeze has been battling with injury-related issues, which led to his sidelining and opened up the opportunity for FORG1VEN to return to the starting lineup.

Several players and organizations, including H2k’s support Oskar “Vander” Bogdan and FC Schalke 04 jungler Berk “Gilius” Demir, hinted at FORG1VEN’s return through their tweets. The official Unicorns of Love Twitter account even mentioned facing FORG1VEN on stage in their upcoming match against H2k.

H2k-Gaming finally confirmed FORG1VEN’s return in a Facebook post, citing Freeze’s injuries as the reason for the roster change. Susan Tully, the CEO of H2k, acknowledged that FORG1VEN had not been practicing with the team, but expressed confidence in the talent of the starting five.

While FORG1VEN has not played on stage for quite some time, his skill and chemistry with his new teammates make his return an exciting prospect for EU LCS fans. Time will tell how long Freeze’s injuries will keep him out of play, but for now, H2k fans can enjoy the comeback of one of the best ADCs in the region.

FORG1VEN, H2k, European League Championship Series, AD Carry, return, starting lineup, Origen, Freeze, injuries, roster change, Unicorns of Love.