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Fnatic’s Selfmade achieves a pentakill on Graves while testing a fresh League item

The 2020-21 League of Legends Preseason Reveals Powerful Champion Combinations and New Items

The League of Legends preseason for 2020-21 is just beginning, but players are already discovering powerful combinations of champions and the game’s newest items.

Fnatic jungler Selfmade recently showcased a game-changing build for Graves during his livestream. In a matter of seconds, Selfmade turned a losing fight into a pentakill in his solo queue game.

Click here to watch the pentakill video on Twitch.

Upon first glance, the pentakill seemed to happen very quickly. However, this was because Selfmade was extremely fed and had equipped one of League’s newest items, The Collector.

Screengrab via Riot Games

The Collector provides Graves with everything he needs and has an incredible effect of executing low-health targets. This mechanic overcomes Graves’ usual weakness of having to reload after his two shotgun shots. With The Collector, Graves can easily take down a champion with less than five percent health, and the item finishes them off.

This item may be nerfed in the future as it currently offers too much value for its cost. The execution effect alone is worth a significant amount of gold and also grants additional gold for each champion kill. With plenty of new items in the preseason, there are bound to be more plays like Selfmade’s pentakill.

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League of Legends preseason, powerful champion combinations, new items, pentakill, Graves, The Collecto