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Fnatic’s MSI Day One performance reflects a setback, but they still stand strong.

Fnatic Struggles to Match G2 Esports’ MSI Performance

Fnatic is aiming to replicate G2 Esports’ impressive performance at the 2017 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational. However, they are currently facing difficulties in the group stage.

On the opening day, Fnatic lost to both Flash Wolves and Royal Never Give Up, putting them at a significant disadvantage in their quest to qualify for the knockout stage. Only the top four teams from each group advance, so every game is crucial.

Despite their rocky start, there is still hope for Fnatic. They have shown strong performances in the games they’ve played and only lost due to minor errors. If they can rectify these mistakes in their upcoming matches, their chances of winning will greatly improve.

Caps Shines as Fnatic’s Mid Laner

One of the main concerns surrounding Fnatic’s MSI hopes was their heavy reliance on ADC Martin “Rekkles” Larsson to carry games. However, their mid laner, Rasmus “Caps” Winther, has been exceptional in the first two games.

In the game against RNG, Caps blind-picked Yasuo and showcased his incredible skills with the champion. He became Fnatic’s main win condition, but unfortunately, the team made a crucial mistake, leading to their defeat. Similarly, Caps performed well on his pocket pick, Zoe, against Flash Wolves, but small errors by other team members hindered their success.

Small Mistakes Cost Fnatic

There were several insignificant errors that need to be addressed for Fnatic to have a chance at making the finals. Against RNG, the issues revolved around map management and giving up too much ground early on.

Additionally, Fnatic failed to purchase an item with the Grievous Wounds debuff, which could have countered Flash Wolves’ high healing composition. Late-game mistakes by substitute top laner Bwipo also proved costly. Despite these errors, Fnatic was able to find small victories throughout the games.

Fnatic will face off against tournament favorites KINGZONE DragonX in their next match, where they will have the opportunity to prove themselves once again.

Fnatic, G2 Esports, MSI, League of Legends, esports