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Fnatic Releases Official Statement

Fnatic Mid Laner Under Scrutiny for Poor Behavior

Rasmus “Caps” Winther, Fnatic’s new starting mid laner, is facing criticism for his recent behavior in solo queue, including verbal abuse and intentional feeding. As a result, Fnatic has released an official statement addressing the issue and clarifying their stance on their new player’s actions.


In a Reddit thread initially created to address Caps’ behavior, Fnatic acknowledged the contradictions in his actions and stated that this behavior does not meet their standards. They also mentioned that they will be closely monitoring Caps’ behavior moving forward.


This news comes just one day after Fnatic announced their new roster for 2017, with Caps as their new starting mid laner.

Caps has issued an apology via TwitLonger[1], expressing remorse for his actions and promising to rectify them. He is determined to prove that he is deserving of this great opportunity.


What are your thoughts on the new Fnatic mid laner? Do you think his behavior will continue to be a problem for the organization or was this an isolated incident?

Adam Newell is a journalist for GAMURS and can be contacted at [email protected]. You can also reach him on Twitter at @MonkeyKingHero.


Fnatic, mid laner, Rasmus Winther, behavior, apology