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Fnatic dominates top lane with Singed pick, clinching first victory against Top Esports at Worlds 2020

Fnatic Pulls Off Surprising Singed Pick in LoL World Championship

The series between Fnatic and Top Esports at the 2020 League of Legends World Championship kicked off with an unexpected move. Fnatic left Ornn open and opted to pick Singed for the top lane, played by Gabriël “Bwipo” Rau.

Initially, the game started off passively until Bwipo decided to take on Bai “369” Jia-Hao’s Ornn. Singed seemed to have the upper hand until Ornn unleashed his combo, nearly taking him down.

After farming for a few levels, Bwipo employed a unique proxy farming tactic. Instead of farming between the tier-one and tier-two towers, he positioned himself between the tier-two and tier-three turrets. Despite efforts from multiple members of TES to collapse on him, Bwipo managed to escape, providing his team with vision control and preparation time for objectives.

In teamfights, Fnatic’s Singed pick proved to be effective by catching out mispositioned TES members. With the combination of Conqueror and Ravenous Hunter, Bwipo turned out to be surprisingly tanky, soaking up a significant amount of damage.

In the final teamfight, Bwipo’s strategic movements gave Rekkles the opportunity to take down TES members, resulting in Fnatic securing a victory by eliminating four out of five members of the LPL’s first seed.

The series continues on Riot’s official Twitch channel, where Fnatic aims to upset TES.

Fnatic, Top Esports, League of Legends, Singed pick, World Championship, Bwipo, Ornn, proxy farming, teamfights, victory, Twitch channel.