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Five League of Legends items that require reworking or elimination

Riot Games Plans to Clean Up League of Legends Item Shop This Spring

In the spirit of spring cleaning, Riot Games is preparing to tidy up the item shop in League of Legends. Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, the lead gameplay designer for Riot, has announced that they will be removing “dead” items to declutter the shop.

Which Items Will Be Eliminated?

The in-game shop is currently overcrowded with items that are no longer being used or negatively impacting gameplay. There are five particular items that need to be either reworked or entirely eliminated from League of Legends.


Ohmwrecker, named after the first player to reach 1,000 referrals, has fallen into obscurity. It offers subpar stats compared to other items available at a similar cost. While its ability to disable turrets for a short duration may be useful for diving champions, it quickly becomes irrelevant as the game progresses and towers deal less damage.

Riot may choose to remove this forgotten item in their item shop cleanup.


Manamune desperately needs a rework as it is currently built exclusively by Ezreal. Expanding its usability to other champions would greatly benefit the item’s balance and popularity.


Spellbinder, designed for AP casters and assassins, lacks sufficient stats for its price. Its active ability, which grants ability power and bonus movement speed, pales in comparison to other early-game items. Its overall usage rate is also disappointingly low, making it a prime candidate for removal.

Mikael’s Crucible

Mikael’s Crucible is a powerful item that can remove various crowd control effects from an ally and grant bonus movement speed. However, its effectiveness heavily relies on low ping, making it less impactful for players with higher ping. Riot acknowledges the need to make this item more accessible to players of all skill levels.

Zz’Rot Portal

Riot plans to rework Zz’Rot Portal, an item that incentivizes avoiding the enemy team and focusing solely on tower pushing. They aim to create a tower pushing item that encourages more interactive gameplay and strategic decision-making.

Riot’s spring cleaning of the item shop aims to enhance the player experience and remove items that are no longer relevant. The changes will foster a more balanced and dynamic gameplay environment in League of Legends.

Riot Games, League of Legends, spring cleaning, item shop, Ohmwrecker, Manamune, Spellbinder, Mikael’s Crucible, Zz’Rot Portal.