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First Glimpse: League of Legends Teaser Reveals Senna’s Powers

Senna Revealed in League of Legends Gameplay Trailer

Riot Games has released a gameplay trailer for Senna, the highly anticipated new support marksman in League of Legends. While fans eagerly await her arrival, Riot has provided a glimpse of Senna’s abilities in the trailer.

In the trailer, Senna’s abilities are not named specifically, but an ability bar above her head indicates which ability is being used. This allows fans to theorize about the functionality of each ability.

Senna’s passive ability involves collecting souls left behind by defeated enemy champions and minions, similar to Thresh’s passive. The purpose of these souls is still unclear, and it is unknown if they will grant Senna permanent stats like Thresh’s souls.

Senna’s Q ability is a powerful bolt, which appears larger than Lucian’s Piercing Light ability. Her W ability seems to be a skill shot, releasing a teal orb in a straight line. When this ability hits an enemy like Thresh, it leaves a mark and charges up, eventually rooting Thresh for a short period of time.

Senna’s E ability is reminiscent of Pyke’s Ghostwater Dive, as she dives into the Rift, dons a ghostly form, and gains bonus movement speed. The shadowy circle surrounding her may also have an additional effect.

Senna’s ultimate ability involves firing her railgun in a straight line, unleashing a massive lane-wide attack with limited range.

Senna will be available for testing on the League of Legends Public Beta Environment starting October 29. She is expected to go live with the 2020 preseason patch on November 20.

Senna, League of Legends, gameplay trailer, Riot Games, abilities, support marksman, passive, Q ability, W ability, E ability, ultimate ability, preseason patch