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Fiddlesticks VGU is coming soon, confirms Reav3

Fiddlesticks VGU Update Coming Soon, Says Riot Games

Fiddlesticks mains won’t have to wait much longer for their favorite champion to receive a visual and gameplay update. Ryan “Reav3” Mireles, lead champions producer at Riot Games, confirmed last night that the Harbinger of Doom’s update is “just around the corner.” (source)

The Dev Blogs and Player Feedback

The early development blogs not only gave players a sneak preview of the champion but also served as a way to obtain and incorporate feedback from players. Reav3 mentioned that although the update for the base model of Fiddlesticks is far along, the champion’s catalog of skins needs to be rebuilt to match the new character design. (source)

New Model and Signature Skills

The dev blog provided technical details about the creation of Fiddlestick’s new model, as well as showcasing the champion’s animations and one of its signature skills, Crowstorm. The new look of the scarecrow enhances its creepiness and frightening abilities. (source)

No Set Date Yet, but Nightmares Will Follow

Although there’s no specific release date for Fiddlesticks’ update, it is clear that the nightmares and jumpscares will soon be unleashed. Stay tuned for more updates on the upcoming changes to Fiddlesticks. (source)

Related keywords: Fiddlesticks, Fiddlesticks VGU, Riot Games, champion update, visual update, gameplay update, dev blogs, player feedback, base model, character design, new model, animations, signature skills, Crowstorm, scarecrow, nightmares, jumpscares