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Fantasize about a fan-made Udyr VGU and imagine wishes for a real one by Riot in the future

Udyr in Desperate Need of Visual Update, According to Fan

If you’ve ever played League of Legends, you’re probably familiar with Udyr. But let’s face it, Udyr’s design is outdated and in need of a refresh. A fan and artist named Brahim Bensehoul recently shared their own take on Udyr’s redesign, and it’s pretty impressive. Take a look for yourself!

A More In-Depth Redesign

In their fan creation, Bensehoul went beyond just a visual update. They also added new gameplay mechanics and expanded Udyr’s lore. According to the new concept, Udyr gains his powers from a slain demon whose skull he wears. By channeling the demon’s shapeshifting abilities through the skull’s glowing eye, Udyr can take on different forms, each with its own unique strengths and attributes.

An Experienced Artist

What makes this fan creation stand out is the artist’s expertise. Bensehoul has previously collaborated with Riot on actual in-game skins, such as Northern Front Swain and Butcher Urgot. You can find more of Bensehoul’s impressive artwork, including their K/DA boyband rendition, on their ArtStation profile.

If you’re curious about Udyr’s potential future visual update, make sure to check out Bensehoul’s concept. Who knows, maybe Riot will take inspiration from this talented fan and give Udyr the makeover he deserves!

Udyr, visual update, League of Legends, fan creation, Brahim Bensehoul, gameplay mechanics, lore, fan concept, ArtStation, K/DA