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Fan Contributions Boost World Championship Prize Pool to Over $4 Million

The Prize Pool for Worlds 2016 Reaches Over $4 Million

The prize pool for Worlds 2016 has now exceeded $4 million, thanks to contributions from fans through in-game purchases.

The amount of fan contributions has reached $2.015 million, almost double the original amount announced by Riot. This increase has been made possible by allocating 25 percent of profits from Championship Zed and Championship Ward skins directly to the prize pool.

Riot has also specified that 30 percent of team icon sales go directly to the teams, but do not contribute to the prize pool.

Breakdown of Prize Allocation

The prize pool is subject to change, but the percentage breakdown for placings is as follows:

  • 1st place: 40%
  • 2nd place: 15%
  • 3rd/4th place: 7.5% (15% total)
  • 5th-8th place: 4% (16% total)
  • 9th-12th place: 2.25% (9% total)
  • 13th-16th place: 1.25% (5% total)

Riot will provide an update on the prize pool size during the finals at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California on Oct. 28.

While it is unlikely to reach the over $20 million of Dota 2’s TI6, it represents a positive step towards larger prize pools in the League of Legends community.

What are your predictions for the final prize pool amount? Share your thoughts in the comments or tweet us @GAMURScom.

Image credits to LoL esports.