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Faker demonstrates remarkable outplay on 3 opponents using Lucian in League solo queue

Faker Shows Dominance in Solo Queue with Incredible Play on Lucian

Despite not competing in the 2020 League of Legends World Championship, Faker continues to assert his dominance in solo queue. In a recent Twitch broadcast,
Faker, also known as the Unkillable Demon King, used Lucian to outplay three opponents and secure a double kill.

During the match, the enemy team’s Maokai, Pyke, and Ashe attempted to surround Faker. However, Faker quickly realized that his only way out was to fight through his opponents. He unleashed Ardent Blaze (W) at Ashe and closed the gap by flashing into her, landing a quick double auto attack. The enemy Pyke then tried to stun lock Faker with his Q and E abilities, but Faker evaded them with impressive agility and finished off Ashe.

Faker then turned his attention to Pyke, utilizing Exhaust to reduce his damage. Despite being rooted and knocked up by Maokai, Faker effortlessly disposed of Pyke. Maokai attempted to escape, but Faker and his ally Ekko eventually caught up to eliminate the tree-like champion.

Although Faker’s play was impressive, his team ultimately lost the match, despite Faker securing a team-high 10 kills.

For fans of Faker, he can be watched live on his Twitch channel:

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