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Exploring the Secrets of AD Soraka: Beyond the Bananas

Want to turn the peaceful healer of the Rift into a damage-dealing powerhouse? Welcome to the world of AD Soraka, where the unexpected becomes the meta. But is it all fun and games, or is there a method to this madness?

The AD Soraka Phenomenon

League of Legends is no stranger to off-meta picks, and AD Soraka is one that’s been catching attention. Traditionally, Soraka shines as a support, dishing out heals and silences.

But a subset of players has discovered the thrill of playing her as an AD carry. This playstyle shifts the focus from her healing prowess to her Starcall (Q) and basic attacks.

But Why Go AD?

It’s all about the element of surprise and the joy of experimentation. While Soraka is already formidable at level 1 with her Q, the AD build amplifies her damage potential, making her a force to be reckoned with in duels and team fights.

Plus, she still has access to her self-heal and utility tools like AoE silence, giving her an edge over traditional marksmen.

Stats Don’t Lie

According to Mobalytics, there’s nearly a 10% difference in win rates between AD Soraka in the bot lane and her traditional support role. This statistic might make some players hesitant, but as Pro LoL Player Doublelift puts it, “AD Soraka is a fun off-meta pick, but it’s generally not as effective as traditional support Soraka. You’re giving up a lot of your healing potential for damage, which can be risky.”

Building the Perfect AD Soraka

Understanding the right build is crucial. The power of AD Soraka lies in her auto-attacks, and with the right items, she can be a formidable ADC.

Key items include Kraken Slayer for true damage, Rapid Firecannon for increased attack range, and Essence Reaver for bonus AD damage after using abilities. Runes like Lethal Tempo and Revitalize further enhance her capabilities.

Runes for AD Soraka:

Runes for AD Soraka:

Primary Tree – Precision:

  1. Keystone: Lethal Tempo – This keystone enhances Soraka’s attack speed after hitting an enemy champion, making her auto-attacks more potent.
  2. Presence of Mind – As Soraka uses her abilities frequently, this rune provides essential mana regeneration, ensuring she doesn’t run out of mana quickly.
  3. Legend: Alacrity – This rune further boosts Soraka’s attack speed, enhancing her damage output per takedown with auto-attacks.
  4. Cut Down – Given that AD Soraka builds don’t typically include HP items, this rune allows her to deal bonus damage to enemies with more maximum health.

Secondary Tree – Resolve:

  1. Bone Plating – This rune reduces the initial damage from enemy champions, providing Soraka with added durability during trades.
  2. Revitalize – Enhancing Soraka’s healing capabilities, this rune boosts her healing power, especially when she or her allies are at low health.

Items for AD Soraka:

Items for AD Soraka:

  1. Kraken Slayer – This mythic item is a core component for AD Soraka, granting her bonus true damage, attack damage, attack speed, and critical strike.
  2. Rapid Firecannon – Enhancing her range and providing critical chance, this item allows Soraka to kite enemies effectively.
  3. Essence Reaver – This item boosts Soraka’s damage after using an ability, making her auto-attacks even more lethal.
  4. Navori Quickblades – Perfect for reducing cooldowns on critical strikes, this item ensures Soraka can use her abilities more frequently.
  5. Infinity Edge – A staple for AD builds, this item maximizes Soraka’s critical strike damage.
  6. Berserker’s Greaves – These boots increase Soraka’s attack speed, essential for an AD build. However, if facing heavy crowd control, consider opting for Mercury’s Treads.

Alternative Items:

  • Immortal Shieldbow – For added lifesteal and survivability.
  • Blade of the Ruined King – Provides additional lifesteal and attack speed.
  • The Bloodthirster – Boosts lifesteal and grants a shield when overhealed.

Remember, the effectiveness of AD Soraka can vary based on matchups, team compositions, and individual playstyle. It’s always a good idea to adapt your build based on the game’s situation.

Pairing Up in the Bot Lane

While AD Soraka can hold her own, synergy with the right partner can elevate the gameplay. Champions like Senna, Leona, and Pyke complement Soraka’s AD playstyle, making it easier to dominate the lane and carry games.


Is AD Soraka viable in ranked games?

While it can be fun, it’s statistically less effective than support Soraka. It’s best for casual games or when you’re feeling adventurous.

Which champions synergize well with AD Soraka?

Senna, Leona, and Pyke are top picks that complement AD Soraka’s playstyle.

What’s the key rune for AD Soraka?

Lethal Tempo is the go-to keystone, enhancing her attack speed and range.

Can AD Soraka be played in other lanes?

Yes, AD Soraka can be played in bot, mid, and top lanes, offering versatility.

Is the healing potential of AD Soraka compromised?

While the focus shifts to damage, Soraka still retains her healing abilities, though not as potent as her support build.


AD Soraka is more than just an off-meta pick; it’s a testament to the versatility and creativity within League of Legends. While it may not be the most effective strategy statistically, the fun and challenge it brings can’t be denied. So, the next time you’re in the mood for something unconventional, give AD Soraka a shot and let those bananas fly!


  • Mobalytics
  • League of Graphs
  • Probuilds