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Exploring the Enigma of AD Soraka: Beyond Bananas

The Rise of AD Soraka in League of Legends

AD Soraka has emerged as an unexpected but intriguing playstyle in League of Legends. While Soraka is typically known as a support champion, some players have discovered the thrill of utilizing her as an AD carry. This off-meta approach shifts the focus from healing to dealing damage, resulting in an exciting and unique playstyle.

The Appeal of Going AD

So why go AD with Soraka? It’s all about the element of surprise and the joy of experimentation. While Soraka is already strong in the early game with her Q ability, building her as an AD champion amplifies her damage potential. This makes her formidable in duels and team fights, while still keeping her utility tools like AoE silence and self-heal intact.

Understanding the Stats

AD Soraka has a slightly lower win rate compared to traditional support Soraka, according to data from Mobalytics. This statistic may discourage some players, but it’s important to note that AD Soraka is considered a fun off-meta pick rather than a highly effective competitive strategy. As Doublelift, a professional League of Legends player, states, AD Soraka can be risky due to sacrificing healing potential for damage.

Building the Perfect AD Soraka

Building AD Soraka requires a good understanding of itemization and runes. The core items for AD Soraka include Kraken Slayer, Rapid Firecannon, and Essence Reaver. Kraken Slayer provides bonus true damage and attack speed, while Rapid Firecannon increases attack range. Essence Reaver enhances AD damage after ability use. Key runes for AD Soraka include Lethal Tempo and Revitalize, which enhance her attack speed and healing capabilities.

Pairing Up in the Bot Lane

While AD Soraka can hold her own, teaming up with champions like Senna, Leona, and Pyke can elevate the gameplay experience. These champions synergize well with AD Soraka’s playstyle, making it easier to dominate the bot lane and carry games.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– Is AD Soraka viable in ranked games?
While AD Soraka can be fun to play, statistically, it is less effective than support Soraka. It’s better suited for casual games or when you want to try something different.

– Which champions synergize well with AD Soraka?
Champions like Senna, Leona, and Pyke complement AD Soraka’s playstyle.

– What’s the key rune for AD Soraka?
Lethal Tempo is the go-to keystone for AD Soraka, enhancing her attack speed and range.

– Can AD Soraka be played in other lanes?
Yes, AD Soraka can be played in bot, mid, and top lanes, offering versatility.

– Does AD Soraka compromise her healing potential?
While AD Soraka focuses more on damage, she still retains some healing capabilities, though not as potent as her support build.

In conclusion, AD Soraka may not be the most effective strategy statistically, but it offers a fun and challenging playstyle that showcases the versatility and creativity within League of Legends. So, the next time you’re in the mood for something unconventional, give AD Soraka a try and let those bananas fly!
