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Exploring the Current Meta of Pro League in 2023: Promising Top Lane Players and Well-established Bottom Lane Duos Uncovered

League of Legends Competitive Season Underway with Meta Shifts

The competitive season for League of Legends is in full swing, with major regions like the LPL, LCK, and LEC already into their 2023 Spring Splits. The LCS is also set to begin soon.

The preseason introduced new items and the champion K’Sante, resulting in some changes to the meta. While new champions have gained popularity, the overall meta hasn’t shifted significantly, especially in the bot lane.

Analyzing data from the first matches played in the major regions, we can identify patterns and initial impressions on the current pro play meta.

Top Lane – Rise of Carry Top Laners

Towards the end of the 2022 season, tanks like Sejuani, Maokai, Ornn, and Gragas dominated the top lane meta. However, Fiora stood out as a damage-oriented, split-pushing champion. In the new season, Fiora remains a top-tier champion despite a small nerf.

K’Sante is currently the most-played top laner in the LPL. Other carry top laners gaining popularity are Camille, Jax, and Gwen. Renekton and Gnar are outliers but are being picked in both the LPL and LCK.

Jungle – Point-Click Engagers Leading the Way

The jungle received significant changes in the preseason, shifting the focus from invading junglers to skirmishing and ganking champions. Junglers with point-click engage spells or long-duration crowd controls are becoming popular, such as Vi, Wukong, and Maokai.

Sejuani and bruisers like Viego and Lee Sin follow in priority. Kindred made an appearance in the LEC, while Elise is making a comeback due to her early-game strength.

Mid Lane – Control Mages and Rod of Ages Champions Return

The mid lane meta hasn’t changed drastically, with Akali and Sylas still being played but no longer as the most contested picks. Syndra and Ryze have become high-priority champions, with Ryze having a 100 percent presence rate across all major regions.

Control mages like Azir, Viktor, Taliyah, and Lissandra are making a comeback, but their success varies between regions. Rod of Ages champions like Ryze and Kassadin are gaining popularity due to their scaling potential.

Bot Lane – Little Changes

The bot lane meta remains relatively unchanged from the previous season, with Lucian-Nami and Zeri-Lulu being the top-tier duos. Sivir and Varus are the secondary options when Lucian and Zeri are not available.

The LPL and LCK have similar meta reads for the bot lane, but the LCK views Caitlyn differently, with a high ban rate. The LEC has a slightly different bot lane meta, with Lucian being the highest priority and Zeri not as highly valued.

Overall, the bot lane meta remains stable in terms of champion picks and bans.

League of Legends, esports, competitive season, meta shifts, top lane, carry top laners, jungle, point-click engagers, mid lane, control mages, Rod of Ages champions, bot lane