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Explanation of what occurs to Lissandra in her dream upon death covered in new lore

Lissandra wanted power, so she made a deal with the Watchers to bring the Void to Runeterra. She sacrificed her sisters and her people, but it was all in vain. Now, she is haunted by dreams of being eaten alive by the Watchers.

Riot Games has released a new short story for League of Legends called “The Dream Thief” that explores Lissandra’s life after she brought the Void to Runeterra. She knows that the Watchers will eventually break through the True Ice and destroy everything. To delay this, she feeds the Watchers dreams, including her own.

In “The Dream Thief,” Lissandra senses that one Watcher is waking up. To calm it down, she enters a cave filled with True Ice where the Watcher sleeps. Lissandra goes into a sleep state and enters the Watcher’s dreams so it can see what she sees. She then travels through the dreams of various Freljord inhabitants.

The Devoted Priest

In the first dream, Lissandra visits a priest who sends notes about Ashe’s rule to the Frostguard Citadel. The priest is worried about Lissandra’s reaction when he’s late with his notes. But Lissandra dismisses his fears and gives him a message. When the priest wakes up, he is reinvigorated and leaves Ashe’s territory to follow Lissandra’s words.

An Iceborn Orphan

Lissandra’s second dream takes her to an orphaned girl who screams in fear when she sees Lissandra. Lissandra quickly disappears. She realizes that the orphan is an Iceborn and notes that the child could either help her or pose a threat in the future, so she decides to keep an eye on her.

Dead Traveler

The next dream leads Lissandra to an old traveler trapped in a frigid cave. The man is on the verge of death, and his dreams are filled with warmth as his body freezes. Lissandra offers herself as comfort to his final moments and stays by his side until he passes away.

Aggro Avarosan

As expected, Lissandra has enemies because of her actions. In this dream, she encounters an Avarosa follower with a strong desire to kill her. Lissandra, fearing for her own well-being, covers herself in ice to block the attack and quickly exits the dream.

The Ursine Shaman

Lissandra’s next dream introduces her to a shaman praying to Volibear, the demi-god who blinded Lissandra in the past. Lissandra instinctively throws shards of True Ice at a manifestation of Volibear and disrupts the shaman’s shapeshifting. Despite their history, she realizes they are not a significant threat.

The Watchers’ Dream

Finally, Lissandra enters the dreams of the restless Watcher. She witnesses an image of herself being devoured by the Watcher, but it is never satisfied. In the real world, Lissandra casts a spell to reinforce the Watcher’s cage while still in the dream. When the spell is complete, she returns to reality. However, a part of her is lost to the Watcher who consumed her in its dream. With the Watcher calmed once again, Lissandra takes her place as the leader of the Frostguard.

This concludes Lissandra’s journey into dreams, but “The Dream Thief” continues with a scene featuring the orphaned Iceborn named Reathe. Reathe is freezing in a cave when a blue-skinned man approaches her. He tells her about other Iceborns and urges her to follow him to find them. Before she can respond, the story shifts to its conclusion.

The story ends with a glimpse of the Frostguard Citadel, where five figures are searching for Lissandra. They have all dreamt of her and have been subtly warned about the Watchers. Although they don’t know who the Watchers are, they feel something deep inside.

Lissandra, League of Legends, Dream Thief, Runeterra, Watchers, Void, True Ice, Freljord, Ashe, Frostguard Citadel, dreams, priest, orphan, traveler, Avarosa, shaman, Volibear, Frostguard, Reathe, Iceborn, Watcher.