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Explaining the Differences: Armor Penetration versus Flat Attack Damage

The difference between armor penetration and flat damage can often be unclear. Many people are unsure about what values are considered “good” or “bad,” and how to increase them.

Today, we will break down the math for you and explain the difference between armor penetration and flat attack damage, as well as when one is better than the other. Let’s get started!

What is Armor Penetration and Flat Attack Damage?

Armor penetration is the stat that allows you to negate some of the armor your enemy has built up, resulting in increased damage. On the other hand, flat attack damage is the amount of damage you can deal to an enemy champion with basic attacks.

It’s important to note that there’s more to these stats than meets the eye, so let’s explore how they work in detail.

How Do They Function? Differences and Purpose

Explaining the Differences: Armor Penetration versus Flat Attack Damage

Armor penetration allows you to ignore enemy armor, making it effective against tanks with high health. Items like Lord Dominik’s Regards and Serylda’s Grudge provide armor penetration, allowing you to ignore a percentage of the enemy’s armor. For instance, Serylda’s Grudge provides 30% armor penetration, meaning that if the enemy has an average armor of 200, your attacks will ignore around 60 of their armor, resulting in increased damage.

Flat attack damage, on the other hand, simply increases the damage you can deal to an enemy champion by boosting your attack stats. The more attack damage you have, the more damage you will inflict. However, if the enemy has high armor, it can be challenging to deal with them.

The main difference between the two is that armor penetration reduces enemy defenses, while flat attack damage increases your offensive power. Their effectiveness depends on the in-game situation and the composition of the enemy team.

Do Runes Matter – Armor Penetration or AD?

Runes play a significant role in determining whether armor penetration or flat attack damage is better for your champion. During champion select, you can choose runes that provide either armor penetration or attack damage.

The choice of runes matters because it can affect the outcome of the early or late game. If you’re facing a tank, armor penetration runes will be more effective. If you’re up against a mage or a fighter champion, flat attack damage runes will give you an advantage during fights.

Early game situations usually favor flat attack damage runes, while armor penetration becomes more valuable in the late game. However, every game is different, so it’s important to adapt your rune choices based on the situation.

Which One is Better than the Breakdown?

The effectiveness of armor penetration or flat attack damage depends on the team composition and how the game unfolds. In traditional game scenarios, armor penetration tends to be more valuable than flat attack damage.

Armor penetration is especially useful in the late game when your attack damage is already high. The percentage-based armor penetration from runes can significantly increase the damage you deal to enemies. On the other hand, flat attack damage is more effective in the early game.

For example, a champion with flat attack damage can deal more initial damage to an enemy with low armor. As the game progresses and enemies build up their defenses, armor penetration becomes more crucial.

Ultimately, the choice between armor penetration and flat attack damage depends on the game situation, so it’s essential to evaluate the enemy team composition and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Bottom Line

Now that you understand the difference between armor penetration and flat attack damage, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, you can make informed decisions when it comes to optimizing your champion’s damage output.

Remember, in games like League of Legends, where anything can happen, it’s crucial to pay attention, analyze the game, and adapt your strategy accordingly based on the enemy composition and their build.

Thank you for reading this article! If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.