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Exhaust or Ignite: Which Ability Reigns Supreme?

Summoner Spells play a crucial role in League of Legends. They offer versatile options to enhance your champion’s abilities and adapt to different situations. Two popular choices after Flash are Ignite and Exhaust, used in various roles from top lane to support. Understanding the pros and cons of each spell is important in making the right choice.

Ignite is an aggressive spell that sets the enemy on fire, dealing true damage over time and applying Grevious Wounds. It has a shorter cooldown and provides extra damage, making it effective in the early game. However, it does not scale as well into the mid to late game and can be countered by certain abilities and shields.

Exhaust, on the other hand, is a defensive or aggressive spell that weakens the target champion by reducing their damage and slowing them. It provides damage reduction, making it useful against burst damage champions. It can also be used to chase slippery targets and has great value in teamfights.

When to take Ignite? Ignite is especially effective against champions that heavily rely on healing. It can be a great tool for all-ins and securing kills. It also provides damage that cannot be reduced, giving you kill pressure over your opponents, especially in the early game.

Champions Countered by Ignite include Aatrox, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Fiora, Gwen, and more.

When to take Exhaust? Exhaust is a versatile spell that is effective throughout the game. It helps counter burst damage from damage-oriented champions and can be used to chase opponents. It has great value in teamfights and can be used as an anti-carry spell against champions that heavily rely on their damage output.

Champions Countered by Exhaust include Akali, Aphelios, Corki, Diana, Draven, Ekko, Evelynn, and more.

In conclusion, choosing between Ignite and Exhaust depends on your lane matchup and the enemy team composition. Consider the pros and cons of each spell and choose the one that best suits your needs.