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Examining the Impact of Patch 5.24 on Support Champions.

Impact of Patch 5.24 on Support Champions

In this article, we will discuss how the recent 5.24 patch has affected support champions such as Bard, Brand, Soraka, and Tahm Kench and analyze the changes in their gameplay.

Tahm Kench’s Adjustments

Tahm Kench, known for his denial abilities and purple aesthetic, has maintained a high ban rate in recent patches. His high base damage on Tongue Lash (Q) and the ability to slow opponents make him a formidable tank. Furthermore, his ability to devour teammates and nullify damage from certain abilities adds to his disengage potential. However, the changes to Devour have introduced some counterplay, as Tahm Kench no longer gains movement speed while carrying a teammate. Although he can still save his team by spitting them out at a distance, he is now more vulnerable himself.

Soraka’s Resurgence

Soraka has experienced a resurgence due to the mastery changes, particularly Windspeaker’s Blessing, which boosts healing and shields. Initially, she was too powerful, but recent adjustments have balanced her gameplay. The decrease in range for Starcall and the increased mana cost for Astral Infusion have impacted Soraka’s early game power. As a result, enemies can now trade more effectively due to her limited healing spam. Additionally, her ultimate, Wish, no longer removes grievous wounds, which is of less consequence since the prevalence of Frost Queen’s Claim over Morellonomicon.

Brand’s Burst Potential

Brand, an off-meta support pick, has seen a surge in popularity due to mastery changes that favor burst potential. His early to mid game damage output and the ability to stun enemies make him a strong choice. Patch 5.24 introduced a small increase in the cost of Pillar of Flame, which some players may find discouraging. However, these adjustments have not significantly affected Brand’s early game presence.

Bard’s Increased Effectiveness

Bard’s Meeps now respawn faster, boosting his damage output and crowd control effects as the game progresses. Caretaker’s Shrine also receives significant increases in AP ratio, leading to higher base healing. These changes ensure the safety and care of ADCs while Bard collects chimes on his Magical Journey. Despite the increase in play, Bard’s winrate has not seen a drastic change.

Overall, while the 5.24 patch had minimal changes, they have had a notable impact on these support champions. Soraka’s ban status may be affected, Brand may become a stronger secondary pick in the bottom lane due to the changes to Soraka and Tahm Kench, and Bard may become more prevalent across all Elos and in competitive play due to the lower respawn rate of Meeps.