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Evil Geniuses parting ways with Zeyzal

Evil Geniuses Parts Ways with Support Player Zeyzal

Last night, 21-year-old support player Zeyzal announced that he is moving on from Evil Geniuses. This news comes as the team reportedly acquired IgNar from FlyQuest for the upcoming League of Legends season.

Zeyzal’s Journey to Evil Geniuses

Zeyzal joined Evil Geniuses after a dominant 2019 season with Cloud9. During that year, Cloud9 achieved second place in both the 2019 LCS Spring and Summer Splits. They accumulated enough Championship Points to qualify for the World Championship, but unfortunately, they were swiftly eliminated during the group stage.


“EG and I have parted ways. I’m now a free agent and I’ll be looking for a team for 2021. Playing for Evil Geniuses was a wonderful experience, and I appreciate the opportunity I had to play for their organization. Currently open for all offers.” – Zeyzal, November 18, 2020

Despite Zeyzal’s crucial role in Cloud9’s success in his debut LCS year, he was unable to replicate that level of performance with Evil Geniuses in 2020, especially while paired with former world champion Bang. Their synergy in the bot lane was lackluster throughout the past season.

Following a disappointing 2020 season without a championship win or qualification for Worlds, Evil Geniuses has decided to part ways with most of its roster. The team seems to be focused on rebuilding around Svenskeren and Jiizuke, with Impact, Lost, and IgNar reportedly set to join the organization in 2021.

At the moment, it remains unclear where Zeyzal will play next year.

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Related Evil Geniuses, Zeyzal, transfer news, League of Legends, esports