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Evil Geniuses Dominate C9 in LCS Lock In Semifinals, Maintaining Unbeaten Streak

Evil Geniuses Dominates LCS Lock In Semifinals, Advances to Finals

Evil Geniuses proved their worth as a top contender in the 2022 LCS season by defeating Cloud9 in the LCS Lock In semifinals and maintaining a flawless record in the competition.

In game one of EG vs. C9, C9 jungler Blaber and EG top laner Impact took the spotlight after both players gained an advantage in the early game. EG secured the first three dragons of the game, giving them a slight edge over C9 and a 4,000 gold lead.

EG then made a decisive play by taking down three C9 members and securing the Baron at the 26-minute mark in game one. With their overwhelming gold lead, EG pushed into the enemy base and eliminated all of C9, securing the victory. Game two followed a similar pattern.

In game two, Blaber secured an early first blood kill on EG mid laner Jojopyun and continued to find kills in the first 15 minutes. EG, however, turned the game around at the 26-minute mark by eliminating Blaber, taking the Baron, and wiping out the rest of C9.

Despite being down 0-2, C9 managed to gain an early lead in game three with their top laner Darshan solo-killing Impact at the 7-minute mark. However, EG found their way back into the game by picking off Jojopyun and killing three more C9 members.

The gold was almost even, with a slight 3,000 gold advantage for C9. But EG gained mid lane priority and pushed their minions closer to C9’s base.

With no other option but to fight, C9 attempted an engagement, but a failed flash hook by support Isles cost them the fight. EG took advantage of the situation, dealing massive damage with their AD carry Danny and eliminating four C9 members to secure the win.

Throughout the LCS Lock In Tournament, EG has yet to lose a single game. The team has showcased outstanding performances from rookie Jojopyun and AD carry Danny, with Danny particularly impressing with his improved early-game laning phase.

EG will face off against Team Liquid in the 2022 LCS Lock In Finals, where they aim to complete their undefeated run. The two teams will compete for the championship and the $150,000 prize on Sunday, Jan. 30, at 2:30 pm CT.

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