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Even the Pro Player Faker Believes that Zoe is Extremely Unbalanced Currently

Zoe’s Release in League of Legends Preseason Raises Concerns

Zoe, the newest champion in League of Legends, has made her debut in the game’s preseason. However, her introduction has sparked criticism, even from top player Faker, who believes she needs balancing.

A Unique Gameplay Mechanic

Zoe is the first champion to incorporate the sleep mechanic in-game. When she hits an opponent with her E skillshot, they are later put into a dazed state, leaving them vulnerable to attacks. The dazed player must quickly find a safe spot to avoid taking damage.

A New Nightmare for Players

Most of Zoe’s playstyles revolve around putting her opponents to sleep and then hitting them with her rebounded Q ability, dealing massive damage. She can also poke from a distance, making her a formidable opponent. Her E ability, in particular, leaves her targets wide open for attack.

According to, Zoe currently has a 48 percent win rate among platinum players and higher in the midlane. Surprisingly, she also has a 42 percent win rate when played as a support.

Faker’s Thoughts on Zoe

Even Faker, the star mid laner for SK Telecom T1, acknowledges Zoe’s strength.

In an interview with INVEN Global, Faker revealed, “To prepare for possible Zoe matchups in the future, I played her frequently to have a better understanding of the champion. It might be because we’re still in the preseason, but she seems pretty unbalanced right now.”

Zoe’s Competitive Debut

Zoe may make her competitive debut in the upcoming Spring Split for major regions in the new year. There is even a possibility of seeing her in action during the All-Stars event on December 7, as reported by the Daily Mail.

Zoe, League of Legends, preseason, champion, sleep mechanic, opponents, attacks, player, dazed, damage, playstyle, balancing, win rate, platinum players, midlane, support, Faker, SK Telecom T1, preseason, unbalanced, competitive debut, Spring Split, All-Stars event