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EU’s test of League of Legends’ Clash faces further delays in struggling journey

League of Legends’ latest Clash test postponed due to technical issues

The highly anticipated Clash test in League of Legends has been delayed again as a result of ongoing problems with the trial program. Clash, an exciting tournament feature in the game, allows teams of five friends to compete against each other for a chance to win prizes. Despite continuous efforts to resolve the issues, the service has faced multiple setbacks, forcing its postponement for months at a time.

The recruiting phase for the Clash event was originally scheduled to begin on March 11, with the actual games set to go live on March 16 to 17. However, due to issues that arose during tests in other regions, Riot Games has decided to postpone team creation and investigate further. Historically, the European servers have experienced numerous problems with Clash, prompting Riot Games to prioritize fixing these issues before enabling the feature worldwide.

As a result, the Clash test has been rescheduled for a later date, which is yet to be announced. Riot Games will provide an update on their progress by the end of the week to keep the community informed. In the meantime, the development team at Riot Games will continue working on improving the system, while players around the world patiently await its launch.

League of Legends, Clash, postponed, technical issues, tournament, Riot Games