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EU’s H2K Secures First Win at Worlds 2016

H2K Takes a Win to Boost European Morale at Worlds

H2K faced off against INTZ e-Sports in a crucial matchup at Worlds today. With EU teams struggling so far in the tournament, H2K had immense pressure to secure a victory for their region.

Heading into the match, INTZ had proven their strength by defeating EDward Gaming. H2K knew they had an uphill battle ahead of them.

The Matchup


Top: Odoamne-Kennen vs Yang-Rumble

Jungle: Jankos-Skarner vs Revolta-Rek’sai

Mid: Ryu-Cassiopeia vs Tockers-Orianna

ADC: FORG1VEN-Caitlyn vs mica0-Ezreal

Support: Vander-Karma vs Jockster-Nami

Bans: Vladimir/Gnar/Jayce vs Syndra/Nidalee/Lucian

The Game

Both teams focused on farming in the early game, with a few unsuccessful gank attempts from the junglers. H2K managed to secure a gold lead of almost 1k by the seven-minute mark.

At 11 minutes, H2K made a coordinated play to kill Tockers, but Jockster saved him, keeping the score at 0-0. H2K’s advantage allowed them to take a Mountain Drake and increase their gold lead to 2.3k.

At 18 minutes, H2K caught INTZ off guard, securing first blood and extending their lead to 3-0. They continued to press their advantage, taking objectives and picking off INTZ players.

With a Baron buff, H2K pushed into INTZ’s base and secured a victory, bringing the series to a 1-1 tie.

The Implications

H2K’s win is a much-needed boost for European teams at Worlds. With the region’s poor performance so far, this victory helps restore some confidence.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on today’s action at Worlds. Share your comments below or tweet us at @GAMURScom.

H2K, Worlds, INTZ e-Sports, victory, European teams