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EU LCS Week 7 Day 2 Pick/Ban Recap

Tier 1 Champions for each role

Here are the Tier 1 Champions for each role in patch 6.3:

Top: Fiora, Gangplank, Lulu, Lissandra, Malphite, Poppy, Gnar

Jungle: Nidalee, Gragas, Rek’Sai, Lee Sin, Kindred, Elise

Mid: Lulu, Corki, Gangplank, Lissandra

ADC: Kalista, Kog’Maw, Lucian, Corki, Caitlyn

Support: Bard, Thresh, Alistar, Janna

Tier List for first pick/first rotation Champions

Here is my Tier list for first pick/first rotation Champions:

Tier 1: Gangplank, Lulu, Corki

Tier 2: Kalista, Kog’Maw, Lissandra, Nidalee

Tier 3: Fiora, Gragas, Lucian

OG vs G2

OG (Blue): Braum, Gangplank, Corki
G2 (Red): Lulu, Alistar, Kalista

OG (Blue): Nidalee; Nautilus, Kog’Maw; Orianna, Quinn
G2 (Red): Lucian, Thresh; Fiora, Gragas; Lissandra

Nidalee/Kog/Fiora make it through bans here. OG going with Nidalee is an acceptable choice. G2 first rotation Lucian/Thresh. Thresh I understand as Braum/Alistar are both banned. OG take Nautilus/Kog’Maw next. Love the Kog, but I really dislike taking Nautilus here as Fiora would be excellent for them. G2 second rotation Fiora/Gragas. These are obvious and perfect picks here as the best in role.

OG last rotation Orianna/Quinn. This results in the first Support Nautilus we’ve seen in some time, and it does certainly change the dynamics of passing on Fiora earlier. G2 last pick Lissandra. G2’s last three picks were perfect, and their first two while not optimal in my eyes were still powerful and versatile. Excellent draft from them here.

GIA vs H2k

GIA (Blue): Alistar, Lulu, Lucian
H2K (Red): Rammus, Gangplank, Kalista

GIA (Blue): Corki; Nidalee, Ezreal; Graves, Janna
H2K (Red): Braum, Nautilus; Lee Sin, Caitlyn; Ahri

GIA first pick Corki over Fiora/Kog/Nidalee. G2 grab Braum/Nautilus. I really dislike these picks. GIA take Nidalee/Ezreal. Love the Fiora, and Elise is a fine pick. GIA last rotation Graves/Janna. They go all in with the poke/kite composition. H2K last pick Ahri. H2K has a multitude of engage options and Caitlyn to keep them in the tower race.


UOL (Blue): Lulu, Nautilus, Gangplank
SPY (Red): Nidalee, Poppy, Kog’Maw

UOL (Blue): Kalista; Gragas, Rammus; Thresh, Viktor
SPY (Red): Corki, Alistar; Fiora, Elise; Ahri

UOL first pick Kalista here. SPY grab Braum/Nautilus. UOL grab Gragas/Rammus. SPY second rotation Fiora/Elise. UOL last rotation Viktor/Thresh. SPY last pick Ahri.


FNC (Blue): Rammus, Corki, Gragas
ROC (Red): Nidalee, Lulu, Thresh

FNC (Blue): Kalista; Lee Sin, Lissandra; Graves, Braum
ROC (Red): Nautilus, Alistar; Rek’Sai, Kog’Maw; Anivia

FNC first pick Kalista over Gangplank/Kog/Maw/Fiora. ROC grab Nautilus/Alistar. FNC take Lee Sin/Lissandra. ROC second rotation Rek’Sai/Kog’Maw. FNC last rotation Graves/Braum. ROC last pick Anivia.


VIT (Blue): Alistar, Elise, Lux
EL (Red): Gangplank, Kalista, Lulu

VIT (Blue): Nidalee; Tahm Kench, Corki; Nautilus, Quinn
EL (Red): Thresh, Lucian; Viktor, Gragas; Graves

VIT first pick Nidalee over Corki/Kog/Maw/Fiora. EL first rotation Thresh/Lucian. VIT grab Tahm Kench/Corki. EL second rotation Viktor/Gragas. VIT last rotation Nautilus/Quinn. EL last pick Graves.

esports, patch 6.3, competitive, tier list, top champions, esports news, OG, G2, GIA, H2k, UOL, SPY, FNC, ROC, VIT, EL