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English LPL Casting Team Departs China Amid Coronavirus Worries

The English LPL Casting Team Returns Home Due to Coronavirus Outbreak in China

Amidst the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in China, Joe “Munchables” Fenny and the rest of the English LPL casting team have announced that they will be flying back home until the situation is under more control.

LPL Postpones Second Week of Season

Two days ago, the LPL made an announcement regarding the postponement of the second week of the season. The reason behind this decision was to ensure the safety and health of their players and fans. However, no specific timeline has been provided for their return.

English Casters Choose to Leave

In light of the current circumstances, the casters have decided not to wait around. Joe “Munchables” Fenny mentioned that they don’t know the full extent of the danger posed by the coronavirus, but they believe it could potentially be worse than what is being reported. To prioritize their safety, they will be leaving China in the next couple of days.

No Symptoms, but Taking Precautions

Munchables assured fans that none of the casting team members are currently showing any symptoms of the sickness. However, they are willing to undergo vetting and health checks upon entering their home countries. Once settled at home, they plan to create LPL-based content for their fans.

As of now, the coronavirus has infected over 3,000 people, with the death toll surpassing 80. The virus has also spread to several other countries, including the U.S., U.K., Canada, and South Korea.

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coronavirus, LPL, English LPL casting team, outbreak, China, Joe “Munchables” Fenny, safety, health, postponement, season, players, fans, leaving, danger, symptoms, vetted, checked, home countries, LPL-based content, infection, death toll, U.S., U.K., Canada, South Korea.