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Emiru expresses concern about the lack of creativity and enjoyment in Twitch’s League of Legends scene due to the excessive focus on grinding mentality

Emiru expresses concern about the current state of League of Legends on Twitch

Emiru, the popular One True King streamer, has voiced her worry about the current state of the League of Legends scene on Twitch. According to her, the scene has lost its fun, freedom, lightheartedness, and sense of community, and has become more focused on streamers who grind for hours.

Emiru reminisces about the past, where the scene was filled with entertaining streamers like Dunkey, Keyor, Trick2G, and UberDanger. Their streams were centered around entertainment rather than skill, and that’s what attracted her to the game. However, she believes that the “vibe” has changed now, pushing her away.

During a written interview with Inven on June 27, Emiru expressed, “I feel like in the past it was more fun, with more freedom of expression. You don’t see as many like that now. Currently, it’s people like Tyler1, Dantes, and Thebausffs, who are all funny but also grind for eight to 16 hours a day.”

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Emiru also believes that the sense of community in the League of Legends scene has diminished. She speculates that many other popular streamers have also moved on to different things, contributing to the loss of community. However, she still enjoys playing the game off-stream and would consider streaming it again if it was popular.

In the meantime, Emiru has shifted her focus elsewhere.

According to SullyGnome, League of Legends has been the most-watched title on Twitch in the past six months with over 683 million hours watched. The popularity of its esports scene plays a significant role in this.

A few streamers, including Tyler1, Thebausffs, and Caedrel, have contributed significantly to this viewership. However, as Emiru mentions, they are known for their high-level skill rather than focusing on entertainment. It seems the scene may never be the same again.

Emiru, League of Legends, Twitch, streamers, entertainment, skill, community, popularity, esports.