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Effective Strategies for Becoming a Skilled Support Player in League of Legends

Hello, League of Legends players! How is your climb on the League of Legends rank ladder going? Today, let’s talk about support roles in League of Legends. As you know, the support role is intended for the bottom lane, where the ADC player and support player fight together.

Support players have the important role of supporting their ADC and defending them when necessary. In this guide, we will provide tips for playing as a support in League of Legends.

How to Play as a Support Player

The support player’s main goal is to help their team win. A good support player doesn’t steal kills or farm minions, but instead focuses on protecting their ADC. The ADC and support player must work together effectively.

In League of Legends, support champions are divided into two categories: enchanters and tanks. Enchanters use shields and heals to keep their ADC alive, while tanks focus on engaging the enemy and protecting their teammates.

Choosing the Right Summoner Spells

Support players have a variety of summoner spells to choose from, depending on their champion and playstyle. Flash is a must-have summoner spell for its utility in escaping or engaging enemies. Exhaust is a popular choice for enchanter supports, as it helps the ADC secure kills. Ignite can be used by champions with crowd control to play more aggressively. Heal is also a viable option if the ADC doesn’t choose it themselves.

Playing as a Support in the Early Game

In the early game, support players should focus on helping their ADC level up and accumulate gold. It’s important not to steal minions from the ADC, but rather assist in clearing minion waves quickly. Support players should poke enemy champions to create opportunities for their ADC to engage. It’s also crucial to stay in the bot lane until the first turret is taken down and avoid roaming too much as a solo support.

Wards are Your Primary Mission

Warding is a crucial task for support players. They should consistently set up Vision Wards, Sightstone Wards, and Warding Totems throughout the game. Placing wards in key locations, such as tri-brush bot or the bot river brush, can provide valuable vision for the team. These wards help prevent ambushes and inform the team about potential objectives like Baron Nashor or Dragon.

What is the Role of Support Players in the Late Game

Support players should stick with their teammates in the late game and provide support during team fights. They can help clear minion waves, harass enemy champions, and join in securing objectives. Aggressive supports can actively participate in fights, while others may focus on assists. It’s vital to protect the ADC, set up wards, and stay alive for as long as possible to contribute to the team’s success.

Final Thoughts

Support players are often undervalued in League of Legends. They face criticism for accidental kills or minion steals. Playing support requires concentration, sacrifice, and dedication to the team’s success. Building around the ADC, using Heal when necessary, and consistently warding are essential tasks for a support player. By following these tips, you can enhance your skills and make a bigger impact as a support player. Feel free to share your own tips and experiences with us!