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EDG’s Diary for Day 5 at Worlds: A Blog [Translation] with H2K and Instant Noodles

EDG: Worlds Diary (Day 5)

Today is the second day of Worlds. LGD’s collapse has made the atmosphere tense at the venue. The LPL region hasn’t won against a real opponent yet. H2K is not a team to underestimate. Although we won with a splendid performance, I was nervous before the game.

This time, we’re more nervous compared to MSI or Season 4 Worlds. Last year, we were newcomers and could charge forward. At MSI, we lost two games but made it to the knockout stages. Group C may seem set in stone. EDG and SKT are stronger on paper. But after two days, Western team’s form and match performance are rising. We can’t relax. The more clear-cut the groups, the less room for mistakes. A single mistake can negatively affect our future performances.

When we made the mistake of trying to steal the enemy Blue Buff and lost 3 for 1, my heart wouldn’t stop pounding.

Tomorrow, we face our strongest opponent in the group: SKT. We held a meeting, discussed our strategy against them, and finalized our preparation.

Tomorrow, all three LPL teams will play. Every match is important. If we achieve our third victory, we’ll be in a comfortable position within our group. The atmosphere in our team is healthy. We’re focused, eager, and calm. Hopefully, we can put on an exciting match for you guys tomorrow.

The match today was played in front of H2K’s home fans. Despite the home crowd’s cheering, our fans’ voices could still be heard.

Despite H2K’s efforts, we stood our ground. To hear fans screaming our name away from home is the best support. With your voices behind us, we won’t let you down!

This morning, Clearlove delivered pizza like a delivery boy. He tried to be funny by signing the pizza box! It’s rare to see him like that. Also, I’d like to make an announcement. The instant noodles have arrived!

I’d like to thank the leader of the French fans for organizing this! This time, the amount is enough. Besides instant noodles, they even got us pickled vegetables. This is truly amazing! On behalf of everyone who ate the instant noodles, thank you for the hard work!

After iG and LGD’s losses, fans have openly criticized them for their poor performance. The World Championships are not as simple as everyone thinks. Every team that qualifies is incredibly strong. Each team has endured a year of struggle and hard work to get here. Please give these warriors your encouragement and support. It’s fine if you don’t love them, but please don’t hurt them.

We’ll see you guys tomorrow.

EDG, Worlds, LPL, H2K, victory, nervous, mistakes, strategy, SKT, exciting match, support, instant noodles, pickled vegetables, hard work, criticism, World Championships, struggle, encouragement