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DWG KIA secures LCK’s third seed at Worlds 2022 with dominant win over SANDBOX

DWG KIA Secures Spot at Worlds 2022 with Victory over Liiv SANDBOX

The LCK Regional Qualifier witnessed an intense battle between DWG KIA and Liiv SANDBOX as they competed for the third seed spot at the 2022 League of Legends World Championship. Ultimately, DWG KIA emerged victorious with a 3-1 scoreline.

Fans were concerned about DWG KIA’s performance after they lost their final four games in the regular season of the 2022 LCK Summer Split. However, the team demonstrated an impressive resurgence.

In the first game, DWG KIA displayed their dominance across multiple lanes. Nuguri effectively shutdown Dove in the top lane, while deokdam outfarmed Prince. This commanding performance allowed DWG KIA to secure the first game of the series.

The second game saw a complete turnaround as SANDBOX took control of the match. Despite DWG KIA’s efforts to regain control in the mid game, SANDBOX crushed their hopes by securing the Ocean Soul and subsequently acing them. This victory allowed SANDBOX to equalize the series.

Undeterred by their loss, DWG KIA returned even stronger in the next game. The match quickly turned into a one-sided affair as DWG KIA secured all the map objectives while SANDBOX only managed to secure a single kill. Within 28 minutes, DWG KIA took a 2-1 lead.

SANDBOX adopted a safe approach in game four, focusing on playing defensively. However, this strategy backfired as Nuguri’s Aatrox became an unstoppable force in the late game, supported by deokdam’s strong presence in the backline. The aggression from DWG KIA overwhelmed SANDBOX, leading to their eventual defeat.

With this victory, DWG KIA has secured their spot in Worlds 2022 as the third seed from the LCK.

Liiv SANDBOX’s journey is not yet over, as they will face the winner of the match between KT Rolster and DRX. The victorious team will claim the fourth seed from the LCK.

LCK Regional Qualifier, DWG KIA, Liiv SANDBOX, League of Legends World Championship, victory, Domination, Resurgence, Commanding Performance, Equalize, One-Sided Affair, Safe Approach, Unstoppable Force, Defeat, Worlds 2022, Fourth Seed