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DRX top laner Kingen receives honors as MVP of Worlds 2022 finals

The MVP of League of Legends Worlds 2022: Kingen from DRX

DRX emerged victorious in the finals of the 2022 League of Legends World Championship by defeating T1. The team’s top laner, Kingen, was named the finals MVP.

Kingen’s Dominant Performance

Kingen showcased his strengths throughout the series, excelling in both laning and teamfighting. In games four and five, he particularly stood out, achieving a combined scoreline of 11/3/12 while playing Aatrox.

During his award acceptance speech, Kingen expressed his confidence in the final games, stating, “I become a beast. I always look for fights. I go all in or go home.”

In game five, Kingen secured a solo kill against T1’s top laner Zeus, giving DRX an early advantage. The team capitalized on their lead and emerged victorious in the final game of the series, mirroring their success in games two and four.

Kingen’s Performance and Champion Choices

Kingen played three games on Aatrox, one on Camille, and another on Ornn in the finals. According to League stats site Oracle’s Elixir, he led DRX in damage per minute in three out of five games.

Kingen admitted to underperforming in the domestic league but credited his coach for instilling a fearless mentality. “The one who hesitates is the one who loses,” became his mantra for play.

Kingen’s achievement as the finals MVP marks the first time a top laner has won the award since 2015 when Marin claimed it with SK Telecom T1.

League of Legends World Championship, finals MVP, DRX, Kingen, top laner, game performance, Aatrox, teamfighting ability, champion choices.