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Doublelift’s struggles with positioning.

The Recent Clash Between CLG and TSM

In a recent game between CLG and TSM, Doublelift, playing as Corki, seemed out of his comfort zone. Doublelift is known for his expertise in champions that rely on auto attacks like Jinx, Caitlyn, and Vayne, where he excels at kiting. However, on Corki, he appeared to struggle with understanding the auto attack animations and lacked damage against Sion in the mid to late game. This raises the question of whether Corki is the right choice. Perhaps champions like Vayne or Kalista, which counter Sivir and can also deal with tanks in the late game while evading Ahri’s attacks, would have been better options.

Doublelift’s Need for Guidance

Unlike Imp, who had Mata supporting him, Doublelift has never had someone who could reign in his playstyle. He would greatly benefit from a coach who can push him to improve his positioning, which is crucial for an ADC. While Doublelift claims to be the best ADC in NA and the West, there are others who contest this claim due to their slightly weaker laning but superior positioning.

Doublelift’s Lack of Control

Doublelift can be likened to a powerful missile without guidance. He lacks the ability to control and navigate himself effectively. This is Doublelift’s fundamental issue. Many Doublelift fans, including myself, acknowledge his exceptional laning skills that set him apart in North America. However, we cannot deny his inconsistent positioning in teamfights, which can cost games. In the recent game against TSM, despite Link’s misplay, Doublelift failed to position himself optimally to maximize his damage output.

An Illustrative Mistake

This picture vividly demonstrates Doublelift’s tendency to be overly aggressive. He saw a low health Bjergsen playing as Ahri but failed to realize that Ahri still had her ultimate ability available. As a result, he chased after Bjergsen, only to get surrounded and killed.

CLG, TSM, Doublelift, Corki, Jinx, Caitlyn, Vayne, Sion, Ahri, ADC, positioning, laning, teamfights, coaching, aggression, mistake