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Doublelift signs with Team SoloMid: Assessing the Impact

Doublelift Joins Team SoloMid as their New AD Carry

In a shocking move for the League of Legends community, Doublelift has joined Team SoloMid (TSM) as their new AD Carry, replacing Wildturtle. The announcement video can be found here.

Winners: Team SoloMid

Team SoloMid quickly addressed their needs by signing Doublelift. With Doublelift, TSM now has more options in team compositions and a stronger pick/ban phase. This move also boosts their fan base and solidifies their position as the top team in North America.

Loser: HotshotGG

HotshotGG, the owner of Counter Logic Gaming (CLG), has made questionable roster changes, including letting go of Doublelift. This move weakens CLG and strengthens their rival, TSM.

Winner: Bjergsen

Bjergsen, the star mid laner for TSM, will no longer be the sole hard carry of the team. With Doublelift on board, Bjergsen can focus on shot-calling and improve their overall gameplay.

Loser: Wildturtle

Wildturtle lost his starting position on TSM and is now on the substitute roster. While he may find a spot on another team, it’s unlikely he will participate in international competitions like he did with TSM.

Winner: Doublelift

Doublelift has been the primary carry for CLG for years. Joining TSM gives him the opportunity to play alongside other star players, like Bjergsen, and compete at an international level.

Winner: Reginald

Reginald, the owner of TSM, made another bold move by signing Doublelift. This acquisition not only strengthens TSM but also showcases Reginald as one of the top General Managers in North America.

To Be Decided: Aphromoo

Aphromoo, the support for CLG, must adjust to a new AD Carry after playing alongside Doublelift for his entire career. This is a challenge for Aphromoo, but also an opportunity for him to prove himself as a top support player.

Doublelift, Team Solomid, League of Legends, esports, AD Carry, Counter Logic Gaming, roster changes