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Doublelift shares concerns about his performance in Liquid’s Reddit AMA

Doublelift’s Struggling Performance Raises Concerns for Team Liquid

Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng, the renowned player for Team Liquid, has been facing a decline in his performance this split. Despite receiving ample resources from his team, he has become a major risk factor instead of being their strongest and most reliable carry.

In a recent Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Reddit organized by Team Liquid, Doublelift candidly discussed his underwhelming performance with support Kim “Olleh” Joo-sung, co-owner Steve Arhancet, and Counter Strike: Global Offensive coach Wilton Prado.

“Hard to argue that we’re not playing well together,” Doublelift admitted. “I usually dominate in all laning statistics, but not this split. We’re working on it, and I haven’t given up on building synergy and understanding with my teammates.”

Reflecting on his past, Doublelift mentioned his early days in the bot lane alongside Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black, acknowledging that they weren’t always successful and struggled to find their rhythm.

“Sometimes it takes time to create something great,” he acknowledged.

In addition to improving his synergy with Olleh, Doublelift is also focused on personal growth to enhance his skills as a player. When asked about the most difficult lesson he has learned in his esports career, he candidly replied, “I don’t have an ounce of talent, and neither does anyone else.”

“The best in anything,” he continued, “are always the ones who work hard and don’t complain. It’s also important to learn how to collaborate with others, which is an area I’m still working on.”

Arhancet added to Doublelift’s remarks, emphasizing the importance of being likable, having a bigger vision, and getting things done.

Currently, Doublelift holds the second-lowest kill count, kill participation, and total CS among ADCs in the league, with only TSM’s Jesper “Zven” Svenningsen performing slightly worse. This season may be one of his toughest, but Doublelift’s track record of winning several NA championships and participating in Worlds assures us that he will bounce back after this adjustment period with his new support.

Doublelift, Team Liquid, performance, decline, risk, resources, synergy, improvement, personal growth, adc, kill count, kill participation, CS, adjustment period.