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Doublelift seeks revenge against TSM once more this weekend

Team Liquid and TSM Rivalry Rekindled

After a strong start to the 2018 Spring Split, Team Liquid and their player Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng emerged as fierce rivals against TSM. But this season, the hype surrounding the rivalry has somewhat dwindled. Many predicted that TSM and Liquid would dominate the region, but their performance has proven otherwise.

Disappointing Performances

Despite sitting tied for fourth place with a record of 8-6, Team Liquid’s current standing is quite a departure from their initial first-place prediction. On the other hand, TSM is struggling in sixth place with a 7-7 record, just one spot away from missing the playoffs.

More at Stake

The rivalry match between these under-performing teams is not just about who is better. They both need to prove that they deserve their playoff spots and can live up to their season expectations. With the final weeks of the split approaching, every game matters.

Issues in the Bot Lane

Team Liquid’s worst moments and decisions have often stemmed from their bot lane, where Doublelift and his support Kim “Olleh” Joo-sung have struggled. In contrast, TSM’s bot lane duo of Jesper “Zven” Svenningsen and Alfonso “mithy” Aguirre Rodríguez have been consistent despite the team’s losses. However, TSM’s new jungler, Mike Yeung, has been inconsistent.

During the Summer Split last year, both Doublelift and Olleh performed exceptionally well. However, their lack of synergy and communication suggests that their partnership needs more time to develop.

Additionally, Liquid’s jungler, Jake “Xmithie” Puchero, hasn’t lived up to his past performances either. While TSM’s biggest issue lies with their jungler, Liquid needs to step up their game to solidify their spot in the top six.

TSM has never missed the playoffs in their LCS history, but they’re dangerously close to that reality. Just one bad week could shatter their record.