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Doublelift reveals the true motivations behind his LCS comeback

Doublelift Makes Dramatic Return to Pro League of Legends with 100 Thieves

Legendary AD carry Doublelift has officially joined 100 Thieves for the upcoming 2023 LCS season. In a recent Twitch stream, Doublelift shared the reasons behind his decision to return to professional play.

Contrary to popular belief, Doublelift stated that his return wasn’t motivated by monetary reasons. He revealed that streaming actually earns him more money than playing professionally. His primary motivation for coming back was simply his desire to compete at the highest level with the best possible teammates.

Doublelift mentioned that he received offers from multiple LCS teams this season, but he ultimately chose 100 Thieves because of its star-studded roster. He emphasized his goal of being on the best lineup and stated that the money he’s making is not as important, considering his successful streaming career for the past two years.

The 29-year-old also highlighted the financial advantages of streaming compared to playing professionally. He explained that streaming is much more lucrative and can generate multiple times more income than being a pro player.

After the 2020 season, Doublelift expressed his desire to continue playing but sought opportunities outside of TSM. However, all the top-tier teams had already signed AD carries, and he didn’t want to join a lower-tier team. TSM owner, Andy “Reginald” Dinh, was disappointed with Doublelift’s decision and subsequently added Lawrence “Lost” Sze Yuy Hui to the roster.

As a result, Doublelift took a year-long break from professional play. Yet, his streaming career proved to be so successful that he made the financially responsible choice to continue streaming for another year.

For the 2023 LCS season, Doublelift will be reunited with his former TSM teammate Bjergsen on 100 Thieves. They will join forces with Tenacity, Closer, and Busio to form a formidable roster.

Doublelift’s return to competitive League of Legends has created significant buzz within the esports community. Fans are eagerly awaiting the upcoming season to see how Doublelift and 100 Thieves perform together.

Doublelift, 100 Thieves, League of Legends, return, LCS, AD carry, pro play, streaming, financial, roster