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Doublelift achieves major career milestone with victory against Cloud9

Peter “Doublelift” Peng Reaches Career Milestone with 500 Kills

Peter “Doublelift” Peng, one of the biggest legends in League of Legends, achieved a major milestone in his career today by tallying his 500th regular season kill in the League Championship Series.

Super Week Success for Counter Logic Gaming

Doublelift’s outstanding performance on Independence Day helped Counter Logic Gaming secure wins against Complexity and Cloud9, propelling them into first place with an 11-5 record. This feat also makes Doublelift the first player in the North American LCS to reach this milestone, accomplishing it over the course of 100 games.

Highlight Reel Performances

Counter Logic Gaming faced some challenges against Complexity, but managed to turn things around with a decisive team fight at Baron. Doublelift’s impressive stats in this game, with a 2/0/7 KDA, suggested that he would need to wait until later in the week to reach his career marker. However, he had a standout game against Cloud9 on Twitch, barely reaching his milestone by securing the final kill at the Cloud9 spawn. With a 12/2/7 line, Doublelift put together multiple double and triple kills as Twitch.

Overcoming Cloud9 and Future Challenges

Defeating Cloud9 was a major accomplishment for Counter Logic Gaming, as they had struggled against the defending LCS champions in their previous encounters due to superior late game decision making. This time, Counter Logic Gaming looked sharp and had Doublelift as their team fight monster on Twitch.

Despite being the top team in the league, Counter Logic Gaming faces tough competition ahead with LMQ and Curse Gaming on their schedule.

“It would be Counter Logic if I didn’t think 2-2 was in the back of my mind,” said Doublelift after the match. He acknowledged the tough matches against Complexity and Cloud9, and expressed the need for improvement. “Any team can beat any team.”

Counter Logic Gaming is determined to break their streak of having no more than two wins in Super Week, and they will be looking to accomplish this against LMQ.

Doublelift’s Humble Milestone

After the match, Doublelift downplayed his milestone achievement with a sarcastic remark, “Oh wow, awesome. I’m the best, I already knew that.” Fans have come to appreciate and expect this kind of personality from the popular player.

From Pro Gaming Career to LCS Milestone

Doublelift has come a long way since starting his pro gaming career. At the age of 16, he left home with just his wallet, computer, and bike to pursue his passion for gaming and escape his unsupportive parents. Through hard work and dedication, he has risen through the ranks and transformed from an introverted kid into an outspoken and skilled player. Doublelift has earned his reputation as the best marksman in North America and one of the best in the world, and his LCS milestone is a testament to his success.

However, Doublelift’s impressive resume still lacks a major title. This iteration of Counter Logic Gaming seems poised to deliver one, with their upward trajectory and improvement throughout the season.

Doublelift, career milestone, League of Legends, Counter Logic Gaming, Super Week, Twitch, Cloud9, Complexity, LCS, LMQ, Curse Gaming