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Does Yuumi Become Invisible When Paired With Twitch?

Yuumi: A Strong Support Champion

Yuumi is a powerful support champion in League of Legends. She has the ability to heal her allies and poke the enemy. Although many players dislike her, it’s important to recognize her strength. In ranked matches, it’s advisable to ban her.

Untargetable and Attachable

One of Yuumi’s unique abilities is the ability to become untargetable and attach to her allies. This allows her to freely use her healing and poking abilities without fear of being attacked. Players often wonder if Yuumi can go invisible when attached to champions like Twitch.

Yuumi’s Interaction with Twitch’s Invisibility

If Twitch uses his invisibility spell, Yuumi can also become invisible while attached to him. However, she will only be revealed if she detaches from Twitch or uses any of her own spells.

Understanding Yuumi’s Abilities

To fully utilize Yuumi’s potential, it’s important to understand her abilities. Her Q throws a projectile that grows larger and deals more damage to enemies over time. When attached to an ally, she can control the projectile’s movement.

Yuumi’s W allows her to attach to her allies, making her untargetable and granting additional stats. While attached, she can still use her other abilities. Her E is a healing ability that can be used on herself or her attached ally, increasing their movement speed.

Using Yuumi’s Ultimate

Yuumi’s ultimate ability, R, fires seven spells in a straight line. Enemies hit by this ability will be damaged, slowed, and potentially rooted if hit by multiple spells. It can be used to engage or disengage from fights effectively.

Playing as Yuumi with a Twitch Ally

When attached to Twitch, it’s important to focus on poking the enemy during the laning phase and healing your ADC when necessary. Be mindful of your mana and use auto-attacks to regain mana and gain a shield. When Twitch goes invisible, avoid using your abilities to maintain the element of surprise. Only use your E to give Twitch movement speed until the right moment to engage with your ultimate.


Yuumi is a formidable support champion with the ability to drastically impact teamfights. Understanding her abilities and how they interact with allies like Twitch is crucial for optimizing her gameplay.