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Distribution of Damage Types

Today, I am going to compare team damage types with win rates. I will provide some statistics, but it’s difficult to draw strong conclusions since there are many different team compositions with varying damage distributions. Nevertheless, these stats are worth sharing.

The data is taken from the Summer Split, including regular season to regional qualifiers for LCS and LCK, LMS playoffs and Regional Qualifiers, and the International Wildcard tournament. Unfortunately, data from LPL is not available. This totals 545 games and 1090 team compositions.

Global stats

On average, teams do more magic damage, which may be due to the summer split meta and the prevalence of poke champions. Winning teams tend to have slightly more physical damage, possibly because it is easier for the AD carry to deal damage when their team has an advantage, or because winning teams focus on snowballing their AD carry.

Next, let’s look at each damage type individually, providing win rate distribution and some extreme cases.

Magic Damage

Teams with over 75% magic damage have a 40% win rate. Teams with 60-75% magic damage have a win rate of 46.4%. Teams with 45-60% magic damage have a win rate of 53.5%. Teams with 30-45% magic damage have a win rate of 53.8%. Teams with less than 30% magic damage have a win rate of 53.3%. It’s clear that having too much magic damage is not beneficial, and win rates are more stable below 60% magic damage.

For example, in a game between CJ Entus and JinAir, JinAir had 87% magic damage, with even their AD carry dealing mostly magic damage.

On the other hand, the winning team with the highest magic damage share was TSM in a game against Enemy eSports, with 83.9% magic damage, mainly due to Bjergsen’s Kog’Maw.

Physical Damage

Teams with over 60% physical damage have a win rate of 48%. Teams with 45-60% physical damage have a win rate of 56.5%. Teams with 30-45% physical damage have a win rate of 52.1%. Teams with less than 30% physical damage have a win rate of 42.5%. Unlike magic damage, maintaining a good win rate requires a minimum of physical damage. The ideal range seems to be between 30 and 60%.

For example, Gambit Gaming had the highest physical damage share in a game against CW, utilizing champions like Sivir, Jayce, AD Fizz, and Janna’s Shield for more AD.

True Damage

Teams with over 10% true damage have a win rate of 37.7%. Teams with 5-10% true damage have a win rate of 48.6%. Teams with 2-5% true damage have a win rate of 53.2%. Teams with less than 2% true damage have a win rate of 46.4%. True damage doesn’t seem to have a significant impact on win rates.

For example, the team with the highest true damage share was Enemy eSports in a game against Gravity, with 22% true damage, but they lost the game. Conversely, Najin E-mFire had the highest true damage share in a win against Koo Tigers.

Final note

It’s important to remember that damage type distribution is influenced by champion pool. For example, SKT T1 has a lot of magic damage, not only because of their mid laner but also because of their top laner playing champions like Maokai and Rumble, their jungler playing Evelynn, and their AD carry playing Corki.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. You can contact me on Twitter @bynjee for any feedback or if you want specific stats. The data comes from, so feel free to ask if you want any specific stats.

team damage type, win rate, magic damage, physical damage, true damage, champion pool, esports