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Dissecting Origen: Analyzing Roccat’s Victory

Origen: The Rise of a Super Team in European LCS

Origen, led by the legendary player xPeke, is emerging as a dominant force in the European LCS. With victories against top teams like H2K and Unicorns of Love, Origen is proving that they are a true contender for the number one spot in the league.

Understanding Origen’s Playstyle

Origen’s success relies on their controlled early game strategy. They focus on getting their sidelaners strong before engaging in team fights. They utilize laneswaps to their advantage and prioritize objectives like towers and dragons. Amazing, the jungler, plays a crucial role in setting up plays and securing the early game advantage.

Origen’s Key Players

Soaz, Mithy, Amazing, xPeke, and Niels all have important roles in Origen’s lineup. Soaz serves as a carry, often winning his lane and setting up plays in the botlane. Mithy is the shotcaller and the secondary carry, making crucial initiations in team fights. Amazing is the early game carry, controlling the map and helping the team gain a lead. xPeke plays utility and farm mages, providing stability in the midlane. Niels is the primary damage dealer, manipulating minion waves and dealing damage in team fights.

Origen’s High Pressure Style

Origen’s playstyle revolves around high pressure and map control. They constantly threaten objectives and manipulate minion waves to gain an advantage. However, this style relies heavily on winning the early game and can falter when playing from behind.

The Challenges Ahead for Origen

Although Origen suffered their first defeat against Roccat, it is still early in the season. They have the potential to develop new strategies and improve their gameplay. If they can find a way to play from behind, they will be a formidable team in the upcoming World Championship.

Origen, European LCS, super team, xPeke, playstyle, key players, high pressure, challenges