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Discovering a Specialty: Evelynn’s Underwhelming Summer Season

Introduction and Summary

Evelynn, also known as the Widowmaker, is a terrifying spectre in League of Legends due to her invisibility. After some changes to her abilities, she started to gain popularity and was even used by Clearlove in the MSI Finals. However, despite her popularity, Evelynn has a low win rate in the Summer Split. In this article, we will explore Evelynn’s performances during the Summer Split and analyze her strengths and weaknesses.

How is Evelynn Being Used?

Evelynn is often chosen as a jungler for her global early pressure. Her invisibility forces the enemy team to be cautious and play differently. She is usually built with a Warrior’s enchantment and either a Stalker’s Blade or Skirmisher’s Sabre to enhance her early gank power. Evelynn is best paired with teammates who can provide crowd control, as her kit lacks any other way to lock down her targets.

Team Compositions

Alistar, Maokai, Sivir, and Azir are some of the most common teammates for Evelynn. These champions are easy to gank for and provide additional synergy to Evelynn’s abilities. It is interesting to note that Hecarim is not an effective gank receiver when paired with Evelynn.


Evelynn’s win rate in the Summer Split is only 38%. Her overall performance is relatively average compared to other junglers, with a slightly high number of deaths and a lower number of assists. However, there are some key statistics that have a significant impact on her win rate.

End-Game Stats

In Eve’s wins, her assists, kill participation, and wards placed per minute are higher compared to her losses. This suggests that being involved in team fights and providing vision plays a crucial role in securing victories.

Early-Game Stats

Evelynn players tend to have lower CS and gold during the early stages of the game, as they prioritize ganking over farming. However, interestingly, Evelynn’s average kill and assist numbers in the early game are not better than other common jungle champions this split.

Win Conditions

Based on statistical analysis, Evelynn’s win rate is significantly higher when she is involved in a First Blood kill or assist. Additionally, securing the first Tower of the game has a measurable impact on Evelynn’s win rate. However, her CS at 15 minutes and the first Dragon of the game do not have a significant effect on her win rate.


In summary, Evelynn’s success relies heavily on her early ganking and involvement in First Blood kills. Hard farming and controlling the Dragon do not impact her win rate significantly. Teams should prioritize ganking and securing early objectives, such as the first Tower, to increase their chances of winning with Evelynn.

Overall, while Evelynn has a low win rate, she still remains a popular pick in the Summer Split. Teams should focus on utilizing her strengths and creating ganking opportunities to improve their chances of victory.