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Details of planned healing changes for Soraka and Dr. Mundo in League Patch 11.18 revealed by Riot

Changes Coming to Healing Champions in League of Legends

Two of the most well-known healing champions in League of Legends are about to undergo some major changes in Patch 11.18. Jeevun “Jag” Sidhu, lead game designer for the Summoner’s Rift team, recently announced that Soraka and Dr. Mundo will be receiving buffs, and now we finally have the specifics.

Soraka, one of the enchanters targeted for pro-play competition against engage tanks, will see adjustments to her healing abilities. While her W healing will be reduced after rank one, her ultimate will now cleanse Grievous Wounds from all allies before healing them. This change is in response to the widespread use of Grievous Wounds in recent patches, which has negatively impacted heal-dependent champions like Soraka.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mundo has been dominating the top lane and jungle since his rework. With the planned buffs, his ultimate, Maximum Dosage, will grant him additional HP based on his missing HP. However, he will experience a decrease in healing per second during this duration.

These changes are part of a larger wave of buffs for numerous champions in Patch 11.18, just in time for the World Championships. Please note that these changes are still subject to potential alterations before their release on live servers.