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Despite his injury, Faker continues to contribute to T1’s victories in LCK

Faker Continues to Support T1 Despite Injury

In a display of true champion spirit, Faker is doing everything he can to support T1 during the 2023 LCK Summer Split, even while recovering from his injury.

T1’s jungler, Oner, recently shared some insights into what’s been happening behind the scenes within the team in light of Faker’s absence. During a post-game press conference on July 27, Oner revealed that Faker has been boosting the team’s morale by praising their good scrims and offering feedback on areas of improvement.

Faker’s Role in Enhancing Team Morale

According to Oner, Faker has been voluntarily attending T1’s practices to provide valuable feedback and assistance, particularly to Poby. Oner emphasized that Faker’s support has been empowering for the team and has positively influenced their morale.

Oner further mentioned that after each scrim, Faker gives recognition to their good performance and provides constructive feedback when they lose. This shows his dedication to helping T1 improve and succeed.

Faker’s Injury Status and Temporary Replacement

Faker has been unable to participate in competitive play since the fifth week of the 2023 LCK Summer Split due to a wrist injury. While he is currently recovering, there is no update on when he will be able to return to the starting lineup.

In the meantime, 17-year-old rookie mid laner Yoon “Poby” Sung-won has temporarily taken Faker’s place in the T1 roster. However, T1 has struggled since the substitution, winning only one series out of seven and facing uncertainty regarding their participation in the 2023 LCK Summer Playoffs.

The Possibility of Faker’s Return

Despite his injury, Faker has been actively practicing in solo queue, as confirmed by Oner during the post-game conference. This indicates that Faker’s return to the team is still a possibility in the future, bringing hope to T1 and their fans.

Could the Faker-less T1 actually miss the 2023 LCK Summer Split playoffs?

[ Faker, T1, injury, LCK Summer Split, Oner, morale, scrims, feedback, wrist injury, Poby, return, rookie mid laner, Yoon “Poby” Sung-won, Summer Playoffs]