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Deft Expresses Desire to Return to Korea

Kim “Deft” Hyuk-kyu recently left LPL’s EDward Gaming, sparking rumors of his return to Korea’s LCK. Many believe that Deft wants to win Worlds and sees the LCK as the best opportunity to achieve his dream.

Fomos reported this information, which you can read here. According to the article, Deft was dissatisfied with his performance at Worlds and hopes to redeem himself in the LCK.

As mentioned in another article here, Deft stated, “Since I want to return to Korea, I’m not expecting the same level of pay as in China. I hope my fans will continue to support me despite my absence.”

Is Deft making the right decision by prioritizing the championship over the money? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or tweet us @GAMURScom.

Adam Newell is a writer for GAMURS and can be contacted at [email protected]. You can also follow him on Twitter @MonkeyKingHero.

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