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Decrease in Gold for all Roles in League since Patch 8.10

Changes to League of Legends Impact Team Gold

Team gold in League of Legends has experienced a decline after significant modifications to the jungle and bounty systems in Patch 8.10 two weeks ago, as stated in the company’s official game forum post over the weekend.

Supports Hit Hardest by Bounty Changes

It comes as no surprise that supports are suffering the most due to the bounty change. Previously, gold from bounties was spread across the entire team, but now it goes solely to the player who secures the kill.

Supports typically earn fewer kills, resulting in fewer shutdowns compared to other roles in the game. Top laners are also affected, but mid laners and marksmen have been impacted the most. This shift in the meta favors one-on-one killers, particularly mid lane assassins and ADCs.

Junglers Experience Mixed Effects

Junglers, however, face a different situation. While they have been affected similarly to mid laners and marksmen, there are additional concerns. Jungle gold has more variation, with lower lows and higher highs, due to changes in gold and experience from jungle camps and the Rift Scuttler.

When junglers fall behind, they find it challenging to catch up, but when they gain an advantage, their impact on the game surpasses that of any other role. This dynamic isn’t ideal, and Riot is expected to make some adjustments in the near future to balance out the drastic changes from Patch 8.10. Overall, the changes have been successful.

Patch 8.10: A 70 Percent Success

Unfortunately, top laners and supports have felt the repercussions of the patch. Nevertheless, the potential for solo carrying is at its highest point in over a year. Although junglers can be too feast-or-famine, their early laning impact has been noticeably reduced, which was much needed.

Overall, Patch 8.10 can be considered a 70 percent success. With some fine-tuning to the jungle and a slight boost to top laners and supports, the gameplay experience will be even more enjoyable.

Also, let’s not forget the significant impact the Rift Scuttler has on laning. All hail our scuttling overlord.