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Decoding the FNC Misfortune of Week 6 Day 2

FNATIC’s Loss to Splyce: Analysis of Critical Mistakes

Fnatic’s League of Legends team suffered a shocking defeat against Splyce, attributing their downfall to a series of poor decisions. Let’s delve into some key mistakes made by Fnatic.

Mistake 1: Misunderstanding the Pressure Game
Splyce had a clear advantage because they correctly understood the pressure game. Fnatic failed to recognize that their top and midlaners were not threatened, while Splyce posed a threat to Fnatic’s towers. This led to the allocation of Fnatic’s jungler, Nidalee, to a play that resulted in no gain for Fnatic.

Mistake 2: Drake Play and Its Steal
During an attempt to secure the Drake, Splyce managed to steal it from Fnatic. The key issue here was that Fnatic lacked pressure in both the top and bot lanes, while Splyce’s lineup exerted pressure on Fnatic. This resulted in no gain for Fnatic and put them at a disadvantage in terms of map control and objective control.

Mistake 3: Overaggression That Sealed the Deal
Fnatic’s biggest mistake was their overaggression, which ultimately sealed their defeat. They failed to assess the situation correctly, with their toplaner, midlaner, and jungler disadvantaged in terms of levels, gear, and summoner spells. Fnatic should have capitalized on Splyce’s mistakes rather than forcing plays themselves.

Preventing Future Mistakes
To prevent similar mistakes in the future, Fnatic should focus on effective communication, proper assessment of the situation, and building appropriate itemization. It is also crucial for Fnatic to wait for their opponents to make mistakes rather than taking unnecessary risks.

The Influence of Zz’rot Portal
In one play, the overpowered item Zz’rot Portal showcased its potential impact on the game. Due to the player allocation for each lane, Fnatic found themselves outnumbered when defending against Splyce’s push, leading to the loss of objectives and control for Fnatic.

Missed Opportunity
While there was a moment where Fnatic could have regained momentum, they failed to capitalize on it. This occurred when Splyce attempted to secure Baron, allowing Fnatic to take a mid turret. Fnatic could have used this advantage to force a 5v4 fight in their favor but failed to set up the necessary flank wards.

That concludes our analysis of Fnatic’s loss to Splyce. To discuss further strategies and the outcome of this game, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter at

Related keywords: Upset, Mistakes, Defeat, Analysis, Pressure Game, Drake Play, Overaggression, Zz’rot Portal.