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Debuting with a New Ultimate: Maokai’s Scary Rework in the Midseason Update

Riot Games Unveils Updates for Vanguard Tanks in League of Legends

Riot Games has released details about the Midseason update for League of Legends, which includes major changes to vanguard tanks such as Sejuani, Maokai, and Zac. The update focuses on improving core tank items, the Rift Herald, and some AD items, with the goal of enhancing the overall health of the game. While the impact of these changes on the meta remains uncertain, they are intended to benefit the game as a whole.

Maokai, known as a dead tree inhabited by an angry spirit, is receiving updates that will give him the eerie feeling he deserves. Riot has revealed the details of Maokai’s update, which can be found here. These changes bring much-needed identity to the haunted tree.

The most significant change to Maokai’s kit is the redesign of his ultimate ability, renamed from Vengeful Maelstrom to Nature’s Grasp. The previous ultimate ability lacked impact, feeling like a mundane button to press during fights. The new ultimate summons a wall of giant roots that creep forward, rooting anything in their path. This devastating ability requires careful planning and positioning in teamfights to either zone out enemies or capture them.

The saplings that Maokai throws are also being adjusted. They will now deal more damage when thrown from a bush, making them useful for zoning lane opponents away from bushes and keeping an eye on enemy junglers attempting ganks. These changes may also enable Maokai to return to the jungle, using saplings in bushes to track the movements of the enemy jungler and apply pressure in certain areas of the jungle. Maokai could be a perfect counter to Ivern.

Maokai’s passive ability, Sap Magic, is also receiving updates. Instead of simply granting health after using his own attacks, it will now charge up when enemies hit Maokai with abilities. This change enhances his effectiveness against casters and mages, while leaving him vulnerable against champions focused on basic attacks like Fiora and Vayne.

The updates to Maokai require more skill to utilize, offering a welcome change from his current simplistic kit. Maokai mains should be excited about these changes, as their favorite tree will become much more enjoyable to play. However, let’s not get too sentimental about it.

Riot Games, League of Legends, Midseason update, vanguard tanks, Sejuani, Maokai, Zac, tank items, Rift Herald, AD items, meta, champion update