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Darius accomplishes level one solo dragon takedown without Smite in PBE

Darius Receives Major Buff in League of Legends Testing

A recent update on the League of Legends Public Beta Environment (PBE) has caused chaos on the testing server.

Darius, a popular champion, has received a significant buff to his passive ability on the PBE. This buff allows him to deal 500-percent more damage to neutral creatures. One League fan even demonstrated how Darius can now solo a dragon at level one without using Smite.

Unusual Changes for Riot

It’s unusual to see such drastic changes from Riot, as they typically make adjustments to champions slowly and with smaller percentage increases. Currently, Darius only has a 75-percent damage increase to neutral monsters on the live servers, which isn’t enough to make him a viable jungle pick. The sudden 500-percent increase feels like an artificial buff designed to force him into the jungle role, rather than providing him with other tools to handle jungle creeps.

Changes Still Subject to Revision

It’s important to note that the changes on the PBE are not yet final. Riot may still adjust the numbers or even remove the changes entirely before Patch 11.8 goes live on April 14.

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League of Legends, Darius, buff, PBE, testing server, dragon, passive ability, Riot, changes, jungle role, Patch 11.8, esports news, analysis