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DanDy and Mata discuss their top rivals and the most powerful champions of 2015

DanDy and Mata Interview: Thoughts on LPL and Favorite Champions

DanDy: Hey iGamer friends! Happy New Year to everyone. Let’s make this Year of the Sheep amazing!

Mata: Hi everyone! I’m Mata, VG’s support. Wishing all iGamer friends a happy new year!

LPL’s Biggest Rival

DanDy: Despite our subpar performance, our biggest rival in the LPL is EDG.

Mata: I believe our biggest rival is ourselves. Let others worry about themselves. We may not know our team’s strengths yet, but I’m confident we can achieve better results. So, our biggest rival is within us.

Favorite Champions

DanDy: Previously, my favorite champion was Lee Sin. But after winning the World Championships with Rengar, I now prefer Rengar. Using him gives me more confidence.

Mata: Currently, my favorite champion is Lee Sin because you can play him in any role. He’s the most interesting champion in League of Legends.

Chinese Friends in Team VG

DanDy: I’m closer to my top laner, Carry. He’s a really good player, even though sometimes I wonder if he might be interested in men. But that’s just a joke.

Mata: To be honest, I have a close bond with all the Chinese players on VG. However, I’m especially close with Vasilii since we sit next to each other and can converse in English.

Food Preference: Tteokbokki or Kimbap?

DanDy: I’m not particularly interested in kimbap, and I also don’t really like tteokbokki. So I’d rather have kimbap.

Mata: Between tteokbokki and kimbap, I prefer tteokbokki more. When I was in Korea, I always preferred eating tteobokki and barbecue. Additionally, it’s important to add “Korean” in front of these two foods because Korean tteokbokki and kimbap are similar to Chinese rice cake and sushi.

Dream Girl: LCS, OGN, or LPL MC

DanDy: Since we are currently playing in China, it’s only right for me to choose an LPL host. But honestly, my preference is Europe’s Sjokz.

Mata: The hosts of LCS, LPL, and OGN are all attractive. But they don’t match my ideal type. If we’re talking about ideal types, I like Korea’s actress Han Ji Min.

Popular Champion in 2015

DanDy: Currently, Nidalee is very overpowered. She deals high damage, has exceptional mobility, and can transform. She’s frequently banned in competitions.

Mata: For this year’s popular champion, Ahri is dominating the mid lane. In the jungle, Nidalee is a top choice. Ahri’s Q ability grants movement speed, making her great for escapes. As for Nidalee, her jungle clearing abilities are remarkable in the new patch. If she lands her Q, the cooldown for her cat form abilities resets (this may be a bug). I predict these champions will be popular in 2015.

Source: Youtube video link:

esports, LPL, VG, iGamer, champion, rivalry, interview, popular champions, ideal type