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Damwon Gaming continues winning streak with seventh consecutive victory over SeolHaeOne Prince

Damwon Gaming Continues Dominant Streak with 7th Consecutive Victory

Damwon Gaming has extended its winning streak in the League of Legends Champions Korea with a convincing victory against SeolHaeOne Prince today.

This match-up was expected to be one-sided, with SP sitting at the bottom of the LCK standings and Damwon leading the board.

Damwon’s Solo Laners Shine in Player of the Game Performance

Both of Damwon’s solo laners delivered exceptional performances today, earning the Player of the Game awards. Top laner Jang “Nuguri” Ha-gwon showcased his skills on Jayce, finishing with an impressive scoreline of 9/2/4 in the first game. Mid laner Heo “ShowMaker” Su dominated the second game on Twisted Fate, achieving a 100% kill participation and ending the game without any deaths.

The first game remained even for the first 10 minutes, but Nuguri’s solo kills across the map allowed Damwon to secure a significant lead after obtaining the Baron buff. Eventually, Damwon’s lead reached around 10,000 gold, and they successfully closed out the game. Jayce even dealt more damage than the three carries of SP.

In the second game, Damwon took an early gold lead at the five-minute mark and maintained their dominance throughout. Nuguri once again dominated his opponent, while ShowMaker’s kill participation reached a perfect 100%. After securing the Baron, Damwon sealed their victory.

SeolHaeOne Prince Struggles in Lackluster Series

SP has struggled not only in this series but throughout the entire split. They have only managed to win one series in the Summer Split so far, compared to six wins in the previous split. Their rebranding hasn’t yielded positive results, but fans hope for a turnaround and more exciting games in the next split.

Damwon’s Path to LCK Trophy

Damwon has set its sights on the LCK trophy. While they have suffered two losses against Gen.G and DRX earlier in the season, they have dominated most teams in the league. With three remaining matches against Team Dynamics, T1, and KT Rolster, Damwon looks poised for easy wins as they head strong into the playoffs.

Damwon Gaming, League of Legends Champions Korea, LCK, SeolHaeOne Prince, solo laners, Player of the Game, Jayce, Twisted Fate, Baron buff, SP, Summer Split, LCK trophy, Gen.G, DRX, playoffs.